PostgreSQL function dependencies

By John Doe July 4, 2023

Summary: When using PostgreSQL functions, you need to be careful not to end up with dangling functions, since the dependency between functions is not well maintained in the PostgreSQL system catalog.

Table of Contents


The following example shows how you can end up with a dangling function:

  RETURN $1 + 2;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

  RETURN dep_func($1);
$$LANGUAGE plpgsql;

DROP FUNCTION dep_func(int);

The test_func function is dangling. When this function is invoked, an error will be raised, as follows:

SELECT test_func (5);
ERROR: function dep_func(integer) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT dep_func($1)
HINT: No function matches ...

How are functions stored in PostgreSQL?

Since functions are stored as strings in PostgreSQL, and there is no limit to the languages a function could be written in, PostgreSQL cannot analyze the code to add dependencies.

In the general case, it is impossible to find function’s dependent objects; but a limited (restricted-domain) solution is perfectly doable, and might prove adequate for your needs.


  • Fails (false negative) if name of dependent object is specified as a quoted identifier.
  • Fails (false negative) if name of dependent object is passed as argument.
  • Fails (false negative) if name of dependent object is read from a relation at runtime.
  • Fails (false negative) if name of dependent object is assembled from tokens.
  • Fails (false positive) if name of dependent object is present just as literal.
  • Fails (false positive) if name of dependent object is present in a multi-line comment.
  • Does not account for function overloading.
  • Does not account for functions invoked via triggers.
  • Does not account for functions invoked per query-rewrite rules.
  • Does not account for effects of query rewriting rules.
  • Knows nothing about functions written in non-interpreted procedural languages like C.

Finding direct function dependencies

WITH routines AS (
  SELECT DISTINCT(lower(proname)) AS name,      --#0
    string_to_array(                            --#4
      regexp_replace(                           --#3
        regexp_replace(                         --#2
          lower(pg_get_functiondef(oid))        --#1
          , '--.*?\n', '', 'g')
        , '\W+', ' ', 'g')
      , ' ') AS objnames
  FROM pg_proc
  WHERE proowner = to_regrole(current_role)
    AND prokind != 'a'
), routine_names AS (
  SELECT DISTINCT(lower(proname)) AS name
    FROM pg_proc
    WHERE proowner = to_regrole(current_role)
    ORDER BY 1
), relation_names AS (
  SELECT DISTINCT(lower(relname)) AS name
    FROM pg_class
    WHERE relowner = to_regrole(current_role)
    ORDER BY 1
  name AS "Your routine",
  array_remove(                                 --#8
    array(                                      --#7
      SELECT unnest(objnames)                   --#5
      INTERSECT                                 --#6
      SELECT name FROM routine_names
    ), name) AS "Dependent routines",
    SELECT unnest(objnames)
    SELECT name FROM relation_names
  ) AS "Dependent relations"
FROM routines;

How It Works

  • #0 Collect names of all the routines which could be callers. We cannot handle overloaded functions correctly anyway, so just DISTINCT to save trouble later on; SQL is case-insensitive apart from quoted identifiers which we are not bothering with anyway, so we just lower() to simplify comparison later.
  • #1 pg_get_functiondef() fetches complete text of the CREATE FUNCTION or CREATE PROCEDURE command. Again, lower().
  • #2 Strip single-line comments. Note the lazy (non-greedy) *? quantifier: the usual * quantifier, if used here, would remove the first single-line comment plus all subsequent lines!
  • #3 Replace all characters other than letters and digits and _, with a space. Note the + quantifier: it ensures that 2+ contiguous removed characters are replaced by just 1 space.
  • #4 Split by spaces into an array; this array contains bits of SQL syntax, literals, numbers, and identifiers including routine names.
  • #5 Unnest the array into a rowset.
  • #6 INTERSECT with routine names; result will consist of routine names only.
  • #7 Convert rowset into an array.
  • #8 Since input was complete text of a CREATE FUNCTION f ... command, extracted routine names will obviously contain f itself; so we remove it with array_remove().