PostgreSQL Blog

Difference Between GROUP BY and PARTITION BY

Summary: The GROUP BY and PARTITION BY clauses are both used in SQL to group data and calculate aggregate values, then what’s the difference between them?

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Access PostgreSQL with ChatGPT

Summary: GPT can write SQL. If we write our question in plain English, and have GPT write the SQL to get the answer, well then we can save a lot of time spent on enterprise process management and data analysis software.

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Database Compatibility and Selection Suggestions

Database compatibility is critical to the success of a database product, and it can even make the difference between life and death for a database product. The problem of database compatibility is essentially a problem that software products will have.

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PostgreSQL optimizer is good enough

The optimizer is the heart and soul of a relational DBMS. It analyzes SQL statements and determines the most efficient access plan for satisfying each statement. For database optimizers, there have always been many voices among database-related practitioners.

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Analyze Nginx access logs with PostgreSQL

Summary: PostgreSQL supports the data types json and jsonb, while nginx supports log output in JSON format. We can easily implement the analysis of nginx access logs using PostgreSQL.

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PL/Scheme - Code is data

Sometimes it’s useful to bring data into code, and other times, it’s useful to bring code into data.

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Why PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL is an open source relational database system that supports complex query optimization, triggers, stored procedures, and functions. It has gained a good reputation for openness, feature richness, user-friendliness, and more.

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Leaving MySQL

Today was my last day at Oracle, and thus also in the MySQL team. When a decision comes to switch workplaces, there’s always the question of “why”, but that question always has multiple answers, and perhaps the simplest one is that I found another opportunity, and and as a whole, it was obvious it was time to move on when that arrived. But it doesn’t really explain why I did go looking for that somewhere else in the first place.

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