
pgagroal: Getting started

Summary: The pgagroal is a high-performance connection pool for PostgreSQL.

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pgBadger: a fast PostgreSQL log analysis report

Summary: pgBadger is a tool, which can be used to generate log analysis report in PostgreSQL.

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check_postgres: PostgreSQL monitoring script

Summary: is a PostgreSQL monitoring script for Nagios, MRTG, Cacti, and others.

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mysql_fdw: Foreign Data Wrapper for MySQL

Summary: mysql_fdw is a PostgreSQL extension, which implements a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for MySQL.

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pg_gather: SQL script for PostgreSQL health inspection

Summary: Scan PostgreSQL instance for potential problems. pg_gather is a SQL-only script leveraging the built-in features of psql.

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Use Navicat to compare and synchronize structure

Summary: Navicat compares objects between two databases and/or schemas and states the differences in structure, and synchronize the table structures and other objects.

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Use Navicat to compare and synchronize data

Summary: Navicat provides the ability for data in different databases and/or schemas to be kept consistent so that each repository contains the same information.

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pg_repack: Reorganize tables with minimal locks

Summary: pg_repack is a PostgreSQL extension which lets you remove bloat from tables and indexes, and optionally restore the physical order of clustered indexes.

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plpgsql_check: PL/pgSQL source code static checker

Summary: The plpgsql_check extension is a linter tool that does source code static analyze for the PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL language, which is a native language for PostgreSQL stored procedures.

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oracle_fdw: Foreign Data Wrapper for Oracle

Summary: oracle_fdw is a PostgreSQL extension that provides a Foreign Data Wrapper for easy and efficient access to Oracle databases, including pushdown of WHERE conditions and required columns as well as comprehensive EXPLAIN support.

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