PostgreSQL Tutorial: Enable Triggers

August 3, 2023

Summary: In this tutorial, you will learn how to enable a trigger or all triggers associated with a table.

Table of Contents

Introduction to ALTER TABLE ENABLE TRIGGER statement

To enable a trigger or all triggers associated with a table, you use the ALTER TABLE ENABLE TRIGGER statement:

ALTER TABLE table_name
ENABLE TRIGGER trigger_name |  ALL;

In this syntax:

  • First, specify the name of the table of the trigger that you want to enable.
  • Second, specify the name of the trigger that you want to enable or use ALL option if you want to enable all triggers associated with the table.

A disabled trigger doesn’t fire when the triggering event occurs. To make it fired, you need to enable it.

Enabling trigger example

The following statement enables the salary_before_update trigger on the employees table:

ALTER TABLE employees
ENABLE TRIGGER salary_before_update;

The following example enables all triggers that belong to the employees table:

ALTER TABLE employees


  • Use the ALTER TABLE ENABLE TRIGGER statement to enable a trigger or all triggers that belong to a table.