PostgreSQL Tutorial: PL/pgSQL Constants

August 4, 2023

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn about PL/pgSQL constants whose values cannot be changed.

Table of Contents

Introduction to PL/pgSQL constants

Unlike a variable, the value of a constant cannot be changed once it initialized.

The following are the reasons to use constants.

First, constants make code more readable and maintainable e.g., imagine that you have the following formula:

selling_price := net_price + net_price * 0.1;

What does 0.1 means? It can be interpreted as anything.

But when you use the following formula, everyone knows the meaning of the calculation of the selling price that equals the net price plus value-added tax (VAT).

selling_price := net_price + net_price * vat;

Second, constants reduce maintenance effort.

Suppose that you have a formula that calculates the selling price in all over places in a function. When the VAT changes e.g., from 0.1 to 0.5, you need to change all of these hard-coded values.

By using a constant, you just need to change its value in one place where you define the constant.

So how do you define a constant in PL/pgSQL?

Defining constants

To define a constant in PL/pgSQL, you use the following syntax:

constant_name constant data_type := expression;

In this syntax:

  • First, specify the name of the constant. The name should be as descriptive as possible.
  • Second, add the constant keyword after the name and specify the data type of the constant.
  • Third, initialize a value for the constant after the assignment operator (:=).

PL/pgSQL constants example

The following example declares a constant named vat that stores the value-added tax and calculates the selling price from the net price:

do $$ 
   vat constant numeric := 0.1;
   net_price    numeric := 20.5;
   raise notice 'The selling price is %', net_price * ( 1 + vat );
end $$;
NOTICE:  The selling price is 22.55

Now, if you try to change the value of the constant as follows:

do $$ 
   vat constant numeric := 0.1;
   net_price    numeric := 20.5;
   raise notice 'The selling price is %', net_price * ( 1 + vat);
   vat := 0.05;
end $$;

You will get the following error message:

ERROR: "vat" is declared CONSTANT
SQL state: 22005
Character: 155

Similar to the default value of a variable, PostgreSQL evaluates the value for the constant when the block is entered at run-time, not compile-time. For example:

do $$ 
   start_at constant time := now();
   raise notice Start executing block at %', start_at;
end $$;
NOTICE:  Start executing block at 17:49:59.791

PostgreSQL evaluates the now() function every time the block is called. To see its effect, you can execute the block repeatedly:

NOTICE:  Start executing block at 17:50:44.956

In this tutorial, you have learned how to declare and use PL/pgSQL constants.

See more

PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL Tutorial