Redrock Postgres Search Chinese
Version: 9.3 / 9.4 / 9.5 / 9.6 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16

54.1. Overview #

Table 54.1 lists the system views. More detailed documentation of each catalog follows below. Except where noted, all the views described here are read-only.

Table 54.1. System Views

View NamePurpose
pg_available_extensionsavailable extensions
pg_available_extension_versionsavailable versions of extensions
pg_backend_memory_contextsbackend memory contexts
pg_configcompile-time configuration parameters
pg_cursorsopen cursors
pg_file_settingssummary of configuration file contents
pg_groupgroups of database users
pg_hba_file_rulessummary of client authentication configuration file contents
pg_ident_file_mappingssummary of client user name mapping configuration file contents
pg_lockslocks currently held or awaited
pg_matviewsmaterialized views
pg_prepared_statementsprepared statements
pg_prepared_xactsprepared transactions
pg_publication_tablespublications and information of their associated tables
pg_replication_origin_statusinformation about replication origins, including replication progress
pg_replication_slotsreplication slot information
pg_rolesdatabase roles
pg_seclabelssecurity labels
pg_settingsparameter settings
pg_shadowdatabase users
pg_shmem_allocationsshared memory allocations
pg_statsplanner statistics
pg_stats_extextended planner statistics
pg_stats_ext_exprsextended planner statistics for expressions
pg_timezone_abbrevstime zone abbreviations
pg_timezone_namestime zone names
pg_userdatabase users
pg_user_mappingsuser mappings